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Showing 60 of 134
{0} in basket Alto Shaam 300-S Heated Holding Cabinet
Alto Shaam 300-S Heated Holding Cabinet
Size: W426xD646xH480mm
£2,970.00 Ex VAT £2970.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/128 Heated Banquet Cart
Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/128 Heated Banquet Cart
Size: W1154xD773xH1714mm
£9,631.00 Ex VAT £9631.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/192 Heated Banquet Cart
Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/192 Heated Banquet Cart
Size: W1744xD773xH1714mm
£12,457.00 Ex VAT £1,2457.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/96 Heated Banquet Cart
Alto-Shaam 1000-BQ2/96 Heated Banquet Cart
£7,851.00 Ex VAT £7851.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 1200-Stainless SteelR Heated Holding Cabinet
Alto-Shaam 1200-Stainless SteelR Heated Holding Cabinet
Size: W671xD817xH1117mm
£5,047.00 Ex VAT £5047.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 2 Drawer Warmer Wide
Alto-Shaam 2 Drawer Warmer Wide
£3,330.00 Ex VAT £3330.00/ea

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{0} in basket Alto-Shaam 750-S Heated Holding Cabinet
Alto-Shaam 750-S Heated Holding Cabinet
£4,726.00 Ex VAT £4726.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blizzard BBM1 Electric Bain Marie With Containers
Blizzard BBM1 Electric Bain Marie With Containers
Size: W354xD555xH255mm
£261.00 Ex VAT £261.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blizzard COLDT1 Countertop Merchandiser
Blizzard COLDT1 Countertop Merchandiser
Size: W697xD578xH677mm
£839.00 Ex VAT £839.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blizzard COLDT2 Countertop Merchandiser
Blizzard COLDT2 Countertop Merchandiser
Size: W875xD578xH677mm
£1,069.00 Ex VAT £1069.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blizzard HOTT1 Countertop Merchandiser
Blizzard HOTT1 Countertop Merchandiser
Size: W678xD580xH698mm
£740.00 Ex VAT £740.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blizzard HOTT2 Countertop Merchandiser
Blizzard HOTT2 Countertop Merchandiser
Size: W856xD580xH698mm
£993.00 Ex VAT £993.00/ea

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{0} in basket Blue Seal CS45E Chip Scuttle
Blue Seal CS45E Chip Scuttle
Size: W450xD805xH1130mm
£1,192.00 Ex VAT £1192.00/ea

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{0} in basket BPW1 Pie Warmer
BPW1 Pie Warmer
Size: W700xD400xH500mm
£421.00 Ex VAT £421.00/ea

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{0} in basket Bravilor HP2 Double Hotplate
Bravilor HP2 Double Hotplate
£114.00 Ex VAT £114.00/ea

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{0} in basket Buffalo Black Economy Soup Kettle
Buffalo Black Economy Soup Kettle
Size: W330xH375mm
£62.00 Ex VAT £62.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro 400STP Strap for UPCH4002
Cambro 400STP Strap for UPCH4002
£22.00 Ex VAT £22.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro CD3253EPP Camdolly®
Cambro CD3253EPP Camdolly®
£99.00 Ex VAT £99.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro CD400 Camdolly
Cambro CD400 Camdolly
£179.00 Ex VAT £179.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP160 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Cambro EPP160 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Size: W600xD400xH257mm
£64.00 Ex VAT £64.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP180 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Cambro EPP180 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Size: W600xD400xH316mm
£67.00 Ex VAT £67.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP180S Cam GoBox Stackable Top Loader
Cambro EPP180S Cam GoBox Stackable Top Loader
Size: W600xD400xH282mm
£68.00 Ex VAT £68.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP260 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Cambro EPP260 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Size: W390xD330xH257mm
£47.00 Ex VAT £47.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP280 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Cambro EPP280 Cam GoBox Top Loader
Size: W390xD330xH316mm
£51.00 Ex VAT £51.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP300 Cam GoBox Front Loader
Cambro EPP300 Cam GoBox Front Loader
Size: W645xD440xH475mm
£189.00 Ex VAT £189.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP3253DIV ThermoBarrier®
Cambro EPP3253DIV ThermoBarrier®
Size: W530xD327xH37mm
£32.00 Ex VAT £32.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPP400 Cam GoBox Front Loader
Cambro EPP400 Cam GoBox Front Loader
Size: W645xD440xH630mm
£227.00 Ex VAT £227.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro EPPID5 Plastic ID labels
Cambro EPPID5 Plastic ID labels
£10.00 Ex VAT £10.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro UPC1200 Insulated Camcart 16 x GN 1/1
Cambro UPC1200 Insulated Camcart 16 x GN 1/1
Size: W725xD820xH1160mm
£1,389.00 Ex VAT £1389.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro UPC600 Insulated Camcart 8 x GN 1/1
Cambro UPC600 Insulated Camcart 8 x GN 1/1
Size: W520xD690xH1145mm
£990.00 Ex VAT £990.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro UPC800 Insulated Camcart 12 x GN 1/2
Cambro UPC800 Insulated Camcart 12 x GN 1/2
Size: W520xD690xH1370mm
£1,169.00 Ex VAT £1169.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro UPCH4002 Electric Ultra Pan Carrier
Cambro UPCH4002 Electric Ultra Pan Carrier
Size: W460xD670xH630mm
£1,136.00 Ex VAT £1136.00/ea

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{0} in basket Cambro UPCS400 Pan Carrier
Cambro UPCS400 Pan Carrier
Size: W460xD635xH630mm
£351.00 Ex VAT £351.00/ea

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{0} in basket Castors for CED Hot Cupboards
Castors for CED Hot Cupboards
£113.00 Ex VAT £113.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1200mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1200mm
Size: W1200xD700xH900mm
£2,186.00 Ex VAT £2186.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1500mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1500mm
Size: W1500xD700xH900mm
£2,392.00 Ex VAT £2392.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1800mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Bain Marie Hot Cupboard 1800mm
Size: W1800xD700xH900mm
£2,613.00 Ex VAT £2613.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1200mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1200mm
Size: W1200xD700xH900mm
£1,565.00 Ex VAT £1565.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1500mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1500mm
Size: W1500xD700xH900mm
£1,725.00 Ex VAT £1725.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1800mm
CED Designline Heavy Duty Plain Top Hot Cupboard 1800mm
Size: W1800xD700xH900mm
£1,894.00 Ex VAT £1894.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Ambient Gantry 1200mm
CED Double Ambient Gantry 1200mm
Size: W1200xD300mm
£239.00 Ex VAT £239.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Ambient Gantry 1500mm
CED Double Ambient Gantry 1500mm
Size: W1500xD300mm
£253.00 Ex VAT £253.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Ambient Gantry 1800mm
CED Double Ambient Gantry 1800mm
Size: W1800xD300mm
£271.00 Ex VAT £271.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Ambient Gantry 600mm
CED Double Ambient Gantry 600mm
Size: W600xD300mm
£202.00 Ex VAT £202.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Ambient Gantry 900mm
CED Double Ambient Gantry 900mm
Size: W900xD300mm
£220.00 Ex VAT £220.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1200mm
CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1200mm
Size: W1200xD300xH700mm
£1,119.00 Ex VAT £1119.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1500mm
CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1500mm
Size: W1500xD300xH700mm
£1,177.00 Ex VAT £1177.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1800mm
CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 1800mm
Size: W1800xD300xH700mm
£1,275.00 Ex VAT £1275.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 2100mm
CED Double Tier Heated Gantry 2100mm
Size: W2100xD300xH700mm
£1,345.00 Ex VAT £1345.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Single Ambient Gantry 1200mm
CED Single Ambient Gantry 1200mm
Size: W1200xD300mm
£197.00 Ex VAT £197.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Single Ambient Gantry 1500mm
CED Single Ambient Gantry 1500mm
Size: W1500xD300mm
£207.00 Ex VAT £207.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Single Ambient Gantry 1800mm
CED Single Ambient Gantry 1800mm
Size: W1800xD300mm
£220.00 Ex VAT £220.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Single Heated Gantry 1200mm
CED Single Heated Gantry 1200mm
Size: W1200xD300xH450mm
£661.00 Ex VAT £661.00/ea

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{0} in basket CED Single Heated Gantry 1500mm
CED Single Heated Gantry 1500mm
Size: W1500xD300xH450mm
£697.00 Ex VAT £697.00/ea

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.Check out alternatives.

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{0} in basket CED Single Heated Gantry 1800mm
CED Single Heated Gantry 1800mm
Size: W1800xD300xH450mm
£746.00 Ex VAT £746.00/ea

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.Check out alternatives.

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{0} in basket CED Single Heated Gantry 2100mm
CED Single Heated Gantry 2100mm
Size: W2100xD300xH450mm
£771.00 Ex VAT £771.00/ea

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.Check out alternatives.

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{0} in basket Dualit Black Economy Soup Kettle
Dualit Black Economy Soup Kettle
Size: 10L
£67.00 Ex VAT £67.00/ea

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{0} in basket Dualit Silver Economy Soup Kettle
Dualit Silver Economy Soup Kettle
Size: 6L
£105.00 Ex VAT £105.00/ea

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{0} in basket Lincat HB2 Heated Display Base
Lincat HB2 Heated Display Base
Size: W754xD531xH115mm
£348.00 Ex VAT £348.00/ea

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{0} in basket Lincat HB3 Heated Display Base
Lincat HB3 Heated Display Base
Size: W1094xD531xH115mm
£401.00 Ex VAT £401.00/ea

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