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Sharpener Rubiucut

Pack size: 1
£17.61 Ex VAT £21.13 Inc VAT

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This Rubiucut Knife Sharpener is the ultimate essential to any catering establishment, perfect for hotels, restaurants, café’s and much more.

Pack size: 1
£17.61 Ex VAT £21.13 Inc VAT

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This Rubiucut Knife Sharpener is the ultimate essential to any catering establishment, perfect for hotels, restaurants, café’s and much more.
  • Plastic body
  • Ceramic wheels
This Rubiucut Knife Sharpener is the ultimate essential to any catering establishment, perfect for hotels, restaurants, cafandeacute;andrsquo;s and much more. It is the perfect alternative to sharpening your steel knifes and is great value for money. This Sharpener features ceramic wheels which offer precision sharpening for all straight edges knives. The plastic body provides protection for added safety as well as added grip during use. This effective and easy to use Rubiucut Knife Sharpener is the ideal solution for any kitchen.