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Non Slip Handle Microplane

Pack size: 1
£9.09 Ex VAT £10.91 Inc VAT

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Ideal for Parmesan, zest or nutmeg

Pack size: 1
£9.09 Ex VAT £10.91 Inc VAT

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Ideal for Parmesan, zest or nutmeg
  • Sold individually
  • Stainless steel

This Non Slip Handle Microplane is part of the Brakes Food Preparation range and is ideal for hotels, cafés, restaurants or any food service establishments.

To maintain ultra durable, extra sharp grating, each blade is acid etched for continual high performance. The cut shape within each blade creates no build up or clogging to effortlessly grate food with precision. With non-slip handle grips and bases, large grating areas and hanging loops.

The Non Slip Handle Microplane is sold individually. A full range of Food Preparation products is also available from Brakes.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer a range of innovative catering equipment and supplies for professional chefs, which are sourced from industry leading suppliers and designed to create solutions for the perfect hospitality environment.