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CamSquare® Allergen Square Storage Lid Fits 11.4 Litre Containers

Size: 11.4ltr
Pack size: 1
£5.22 Ex VAT £6.26 Inc VAT

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Delivery up to 7 working days

Include easy-to-identify purple graduations and Allergen-Free imprint

Pack size: 1
£5.22 Ex VAT £6.26 Inc VAT

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Include easy-to-identify purple graduations and Allergen-Free imprint
  • Sold individually
  • Fits 11.4ltr containers
  • Plastic

This Allergen Square Storage Lid is part of the Food Preparation range, and ideal for any food establishments, such as restaurants, hotels, cafés or schools.

These personalised CamSquare® storage containers include easy-to-identify purple graduations and Allergen-Free imprint on the opposite side. Purple seal covers feature an inner and outer seal to help keep ingredients safe from cross-contamination, even during transportation.

The Allergen Square Storage Lid fits 11.4 Litre containers and is sold individually, a full range of kitchen equipment also available from Brakes.

At Brakes Catering Equipment we offer a range of innovative catering equipment and supplies for professional chefs, which are sourced from industry leading suppliers and designed to create solutions for the perfect hospitality environment.