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Chopping Board Rack

Pack size: 1
£18.85 Ex VAT £22.62 Inc VAT

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Excellent value for money chopping board rack suitable for storing low density chopping boards in an upright position.

Pack size: 1
£18.85 Ex VAT £22.62 Inc VAT

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Excellent value for money chopping board rack suitable for storing low density chopping boards in an upright position.
  • Metal
  • Suitable for low density chopping boards

Health and Safety is the priority in any kitchen. One of the best ways of ensuring good food hygiene and reducing the risk of cross contamination is to adopt the colour coded system.

Although the law does not state which colours should be used with which foods, the widely used system in the UK is:

Green and - Salad and Fruit

Red and - Uncooked Meats

Blue and - Raw Fish

White and - Bread and Dairy Products

Brown and - Vegetable

Yellow and - Cooked Meats and

We recommend that your low density chopping boards are washed in hot, soapy water after use and then stored in an upright position in this board rack. This will then allow air to circulate between the boards and cuts down on the risk of cross contamination, as well as helping to keep the chopping boards in good condition.